Book Review: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman’s ‘’Coraline’’, first published in 2002, is a dark fantasy novel that captivates readers of all ages. The story follows Coraline Jones, a young girl who, along with her parents, moves into a new apartment in a large, antiquated building divided into several units. Their neighbors include a pair of eccentric elderly actresses living below them and an odd old man residing above. An unoccupied flat next door, sealed off by a brick wall behind a door in their living room, piques Coraline’s curiosity. Left alone by her preoccupied parents during the summer, she is drawn to this mysterious door. Although her mother has shown her it leads to nothing, Coraline reopens it on her own and discovers a shadowy corridor where bricks once were. This passage leads to a parallel world, a mirror of her own, but one […]