New Spine-Tingling Horror Flicks on Amazon Prime Video
Stonehearst Asylum Based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether," this adaptation follows a Harvard medical student who unwittingly enters a madhouse where roles have dangerously reversed, encountering a mysterious young woman whose captivity holds chilling secrets. The Hideout Renee and Valerie, grappling with their relationship, opt for a secluded cabin getaway with friends. Yet upon arrival, their friends are inexplicably absent, and they soon realize they're being hunted by extremist militants. Terrifier While babysitting on Halloween, a nanny uncovers an eerie videotape in a child's treat bag, setting off a night of terror as the chilling tales within begin to manifest in the house. Battle Dogs Amidst a rapidly spreading virus in New York City that transforms humans into werewolves, a desperate mayor seeks a cure while a militaristic figure sees the infected as […]